Board of Directors
Approved   12/06/07 
November 1, 2007

Present: Williams, Hon. James F. Moelk, Angen, Gerhardt, Hotaling, Fisher, Machado, Tauber, Hakenen, Curtola, Martin, Capozzo, Sottana

Newly Elected: Vadlamudi, Waslohn, Wray

The meeting commenced at 6:30 p.m.

Minutes of October 4, 2007
Hakenen motioned to approve, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded.

Election of 2008 Officers
President: Hon. James F. Moelk
Vice President: Lea Fisher
Treasurer: Rich Gerhardt
Secretary: Trey Curtola

President’s Report
S.I.D. The transformer has been installed, the breakers still need to be placed.
Sprint/Nextel: Sprint/Nextel has agreed to the new location of the tower. Additional trees will be added to the area. Williams will review the easement language for the conduit across #15.
Honorary Membership Request: In August 2007, GVCC’s last charter member requested the Board to be granted a Honorary membership. The request was forwarded to the Budget and Finance and Membership Committees for recommendations on standards for granting such status for Board consideration. The committees endorsed the request. Their membership must go through the normal selling process. The Honorary status will become effective upon sale of their proprietary membership. Machado motioned to approve, Angen seconded. The motion for a Honorary membership carried.

New Director Orientation
A new director orientation will be held on Saturday, December 15 at 8:00 a.m. in the Oakroom. All directors are welcome to attend.

Treasurer’s Report
The operational report was reviewed.
Proposed A/R Procedure: Fisher stated the proposed procedure generally follows the present procedures used by the accounting department.
- Payment is due on the 15th of the month.
- Late notices to delinquent members are sent out on the 30th of the month.
- Some directors want late notices sent out on the 25th of the month per our by-laws.
- Many members have not made a payment by the 25th of the month. The majority of these members do make their payment by the end of the following month.
Fisher suggests the by-laws be adjusted to have late notices sent on the 30th of the month and not the 25th. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to have the By-Law committee review the A/R procedure to see if an amendment is needed to the by-laws and report back to the Board. Hotaling seconded, the motion carried.

Membership Sales & Notations
Proprietary: Jim & Cheryl Fitzgerald, Mark & Gina Boettcher. Martin motioned to approve, Hon. James F. Moelk seconded. The motion carried.
Social: Christine Zimmerman Tooby. Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to approve, Hakenen seconded. The motion carried.

Committee Reports
Green: Conceptual drawings for bunkers on #2 are posted in the Terrace.
Golf: The committee would like to establish a new program with regards to Golf Cart Restrictions and access for Handicap Flags for the good of the golf course. The committee is asking the Board to review the new program, and provide feedback by email. If approved, the committee would like to incorporate then new program into the New Policy for 2008.

The new program will have two main parts, the first being the coding system for golf cart access to the golf course. A flag pole will be placed in the landscaping between the 1st and 10th tees. This flag pole will have a flag on it everyday and the color of the flag will determine golf cart access. The color coding is as follows:

Green Flag with GVCC Logo – Designates the course is in excellent condition, 90° cart rule for everyone.
Yellow Flags with new “Red Flag Logo” – Designates the course is carts on paths only, Red Flag carts only on course using 90° rules.
Red Flag – Designates the course is carts on paths “ONLY” for all players.

The second part of the program will be obtaining the actual “Handicap Flag.” Like last season, the flags will be available through the golf shop after filling out the contract form and obtaining the information sheet that goes with it.
Tennis: There is a lot of activity on the courts. The Tennis Madness was a success. Hakenen thanked Michael Wray as chairman for the tennis committee.
F&B: The Wine Tasting & Purchasing event was a success. Tauber would like more members to attend next year.
Finance: On behalf of the committee, Fisher motioned the Board to set a C.I.F. budget annually in the amount not to exceed $275,000 to be funded by transfer fees and or member assessments, if in fact the transfer fees do not reach the $275,000 amount. The motion died for lack of a second.
Long Range: The committee will ask the December Board to accept a concept plan.

2008 Operational Budget
Capozzo reviewed the proposed 2008 operational budget. A suggested dues increase from $390.00 to $419.00 per proprietary member per month is in the proposed budget.
After some discussion, Hakenen motioned to approve the budget as presented, Curtola seconded. Machado was not in favor to approve the operational budget at this meeting as the Board’s schedule stated that the operational budget was be voted on at the December Board meeting. The motion failed. 4 yes / 5 no.
Questions and or suggestions regarding this budget are to be submitted to Fisher and Capozzo by November 15, 2007.

Action Items
The action items were reviewed.

Hon. James F. Moelk motioned to adjourn, Hotaling seconded. The motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trey Curtola, Secretary